Other useful websites

Please note that there are many non-medical websites that may not have very accurate information about varicose vein conditions and their treatment. We have provided a summary of reliable sites that you may visit linking from here. We cannot however be responsible for their content.


A very informative website, newly established by Mr Mark Whiteley, a vascular surgeon and a pioneer in establishing new endovenous ways to treat varicose veins.This is supported by other international vein experts with an Advisory Board, of which Dr Kieran McBride is a member.


The website of the American College of Phlebology. This has an excellent easy to use Patient Information section.

www.nice.org.uk/Guide/Topic ( enter varicose veins )

An excellent British resource provided by the NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. This is the government appointed independent panel that decides what are the approved treatments for all medical conditions based on best medical evidence. It has produced 3 good documents for the public on radio frequency ablation for varicose veins, endovenous laser treatment and ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy. These are available to you as pdf files in the Vein Treatments section of our website.


This is a site sponsored by the British Medical Journal. It requires a £3.00 pay-per-view prescription and has a lot on old-fashioned vein surgery but not very much on modern endovenous vein treatments.


Another useful website that is quite good at giving reliable information. It is the website for the Columbia University, New York Vein Program and it’s Director is Dr Steve Elias, who has championed the very new mechanical ablation method,Clarivein, to treat incompetent veins.


This is a major Canadian facility in Toronto, run by it’s Medical Director, Dr Sanjoy Kundu, an acclaimed vein expert, who has been a co-speaker with Dr Kieran McBride at three International conference workshops.

www.veins.co.uk and www.thewhiteleyclinic.co.uk

Both link to the same website which has a wealth of accessible information for the public and How I do it videos, produced by it’s founder, Mr Mark Whiteley. He is a true innovator in the specialist vein sector and was recently awarded the title Surrey Business Personality of the year in recognition of his achievements.

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